Friday, May 22, 2009

African Americans Make Stacy Head Sad

Stacy Head’s emails, both those released by Tracie Washington and those she released herself leave a little something to be desired in terms of drama or embarrassment. To be sure, Head says some things that the more PC of us could be offended by, but hell, we’re not talking Imus level remarks here.

I have not finished reading all her emails, so I’m still holding out hope that there is a bomb in there somewhere. So far all I’ve found that is remotely interesting is her statement in this pdf that African Americans don’t know how sad they make her. I admit, I laughed out loud when I read this. All I could picture was Stacy entering a room, talking to someone behind her. As she turns to face the room, she realizes it is filled with black people. Her shoulders slump, as she walks dejectedly back out of the room. Thanks a lot African Americans. You make Stacy sad!

New Low for the City of New Orleans: They Are Now Too Lazy to Even Do Dirty Work Properly

For those of you who don’t know the whole story go here.

With Stacy Head’s voluntary release of her emails, some steam has been let out of activist attorney Tracie Washington’s attempts to humiliate certain members of the New Orleans City Council. This whole thing is a fiasco, and it makes me sad for the state of government.  Unfortunately, it’s probably not in the way you would think.

All governments do underhanded things to their people, it’s the nature of the beast. We will never get away from it, and it will never change no matter how much we may want it to. For better or worse we accept this everyday of our lives. We hate it but we allow it. The only thing we ask is that our governments at least pretend to play it straight with us. Most of them do, and this allows us to keep our heads comfortably buried in the sand where we like them. So, with all the practice they get doing dirty deeds, is it too much to expect them to be even sort of competent? Ok, so it probably is, but one can hope, right? Anyway I suppose the whole point of this centers around one question. How hard is it to secretly hand emails off to someone? If the government of New Orleans was even halfway competent, we would only know Veronica White’s name because of Stacy Head’s sign holding during city council meetings. Instead, White and Washington go through the incorrect channels to get the emails, while letting everyone know what they are doing. The idiocy is astounding.

What should have happened was that White quietly gets the emails to Washington, who then picks and chooses the most embarrassing to leak to the press. I’ve never even worked in government and I can figure this out. What we have is a cluster that should not even be on our radar. The sad thing is, with all of these emails one could expect to read some sort of bombshell. Instead we get badly spelled missives complaining about food stamp purchases that, let’s be serious, we’ve all said at one point or another. I’m holding out hope though, as I haven’t finished reading all of them yet. Now, Head has gone forward and is releasing all her emails on her own web site. At least it’s supposed to be all of her emails. So far the reading she’s supplied is less than stellar. The final question is, how much confidence can we have in a government that can’t even commit illegal acts competently? I for one won’t stand for it! I demand a New Orleans government that can lie and cheat with the best of them, not this comedy of errors we have now.